Janjivan Bureau / New Delhi : The Supreme Court today blow the Tamil Nadu government and asked the state to follow National Eligibility Entrance Test (NEET). The apex court also directed the Tamil Nadu government to start counselling process immediately and finish it by Septembera 4.
The Tamil Nadu government has twice sent the ordinance to get an exemption. The ordinance was cleared by both the law and the Human Resource Development ministries. However, when it came to the health ministry, it was referred back to the attorney general KK Venugopal with some additional facts and past judgements of the apex court on the issue. It was in response to these additional facts that the A-G has revised his opinion, say top government sources.
Tamil Nadu has been against the implementation of NEET – common medical exam as it argued that the test favours CBSE students over other state boards. Also, students from rural parts and belonging to weaker sections would lose seats in the medical colleges.
The health ministry’s contended that if Tamil Nadu’s demand for exemption would be accepted then other states will have similar demands too.