Janjivan Bureau / New Delhi : A Jain couple who hails from Madhya Pradesh has decided to leave property worth Rs 100 crore behind for their three-year-old daughter. As per Hindustan Times report, the couple has decided to become monks. Sumit Jain and his wife Anamika who are 35 years and 34 years old respectively are scheduled to take ‘deeksha’ (the first step of their initiation into monkhood) under Sudhamargi Jain Acharya Ramlal Maharaj at Surat in Gujarat on September 23, the report added. This decision of the husband-wife duo has stunned everyone in the hometown Neemuch, about 400 km northwest of Bhopal. Notably, their families are established in politics and business in Neemuch. Following the decision, the locals have started asking questions to the couple and their family members. One common question that has caught everyone’s attention is ‘what about their daughter, Ibhiya?’ as per HT report. To this Anamika’s father, Ashok Chandaliya said that he will take care of his daughter. Ashok Chandaliya is a former Neemuch district president of the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party.
He added that no one could stop the couple from renouncing the world. Notably this decision of the Jain couple is no shock to their loved ones as they had expressed their intent to renounce the world and become monks when Ibhya was only eight months old, reported HT. Sumit announced his final decision to take deeksha during a gathering of Acharya Ramlal’s at Surat on August 22. The Acharya told him to seek Anamika’s permission. She gave consent and expressed her desire to take deeksha too. Their families rushed to Surat to dissuade them but failed.
The couple has been married for four years now and have taken vow of silence till the deeksha. Anamika was Neemuch’s first gold medallist in Class 8 board examinations. She did her BE from Modi Engineering College, Laxmangarh (Sikar) in Rajasthan, and worked with Hindustan Zinc before marriage. Sumit holds a diploma in import-export management from a college in London, where he stayed and worked for two years before returning to Neemuch to manage the family business.
Earlier, this year, a renunciation by a Jain teen from Gujarat made headlines across the country. The 17-year-old, Varshil Shah had renounced the world and become a monk in June. Interestingly he took this decision right after scoring 99.9 percentile in Class 12 Commerce examination. After becoming a monk, the teen has changed his name to Suvirya Ratna Vijayji Maharaj.