Janjivan Bureau / Panchkula: A witness in Dera chief’s three cases, Khatta Singh, on Saturday said Ram Rahim’s adopted daughter Honeypreet Insan is hiding in one of his deras in India. He said the government should search for Honeypreet in all the deras of Sacha Sauda chief Gurmeet Ram Rahim. Honeypreet’s driver was arrested from Rajasthan yesterday.
The Haryana Police have issued a lookout notice for Honeypreet, who has gone into hiding. Honeypreet has been accused of hatching the “escape plan” of Ram Rahim after his conviction.
Honeypreet, in her thirties, accompanied Ram Rahim Singh when he was brought to the special CBI court in Panchkula for the pronouncement of the verdict in the 15-year-old rape case on August 25.
Honeypreet was last seen with Dera chief outside the court and in a chopper, arranged to take Ram Rahim to Rohtak jail. She had appealed to the court that she may be given permission to stay in the lock up with Dera chief as a helper, which was turned down.
Khatta Singh, who had turned hostile in 2012, was ready to record his statement again in the cases, said his counsel Navkiran Singh.
In February 2011, Khatta had told the court that Ram Rahim had not ordered to kill anyone and had no role to play in Ranjit’s murder. Navkiran Singh said they have submitted an application in the court and the court has fixed September 22 for deciding whether to record Khatta Singh’s statement or not.
Khatta Singh was also present in the courtroom, while hearing on two murder cases against Ram Rahim began at the CBI Special Court in Panchkula today.
“After Dera chief conviction, I gathered courage to record the statement,” said Khatta Singh, adding that he would reveal the “truth about the Dera chief now”.