Janjivan Bureau / New Delhi : The Supreme Court on Thursday asked the search committee for the Lokpal, headed by former SC judge Ranjana Desai, to prepare a panel of names by the end of February for consideration of the selection committee.
A Bench headed by Chief Justice Ranjan Gogoi–which is hearing a PIL seeking direction to the government to appoint the Lokpal expeditiously–posted the matter for further hearing on March 7.
It asked the government to provide all necessary support in terms of office, manpower and infrastructure to enable the search committee to complete its task within the timeframe fixed.
Petitioner’s counsel Prashant Bhushan demanded that there should be transparency in the functioning of the committee.
The CJI said at this juncture it was only needed that the committee should complete its task at the earliest. The CJI said once the committee submitted to the panel, all the names would be given to the petitioner.
The Bench asked Bhushan to have faith in the committee headed by a former Supreme Court judge and see things in a positive manner.
“Mr Bhushan, try to see things positively, the world will be better to you,” the CJI told Bhushan who insisted that the entire process should be transparent.