Janjivan Bureau
New Delhi: Congress president Sonia Gandhi on Wednesday gave some serious dressing down to Shashi Tharoor for leaking contents of a closed-door parry meeting she chaired on Tuesday.”It has become your habit. Stop leaking meeting details,” sources in the Congress cited a furious Sonia as saying. Tharoor reportedly leaked details of the meeting, in which he opposed the Congress plans to stall Parliament proceedings over Lalitgate and Vyapam scams.
At a meeting of the Congress MPs on Wednesday, Sonia expressed anger at the details of the party being reported in the media. At that point, Tharoor began to explain, only to be cut short by Sonia who then reprimanded the Thiruvananthapuram MP.
Meanwhile, other Congressmen also accused Tharoor of breaching party discipline.
Tharoor’s remarks came at a time when the Congress has upped the ante against the Bharatiya Janata Party and demanding resignations of Union Minister Sushma Swaraj and Rajasthan Chief Minister Vasundhara Raje on Lalit Modi row and Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan on multi-crore Vyapam scam.
Earlier, Tharoor praised Prime Minister Narendra Modi, saying he leaves a “positive impression” during his foreign visits and that he does a “right thing” in which ever country he travels.
Tharoor, a former Minister of State for External affairs who has earned his party’s wrath before for his praise of Modi, however, said, there has been no change on India’s foreign policy front as the prime minister has been pursuing the ones framed by the previous UPA government.