Janjivan Bureau /New Delhi : Prime Minister Narendra Modi will launch the Rs 75,000-crore Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi (PM-KISAN) scheme in Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh, on Sunday by transferring the first instalment of Rs 2,000 each to over one crore farmers, a senior agriculture ministry official said.
Another one crore farmers will be covered in the next two-three days, he said.
In the interim Budget 2019-20, the Centre had announced the PM-KISAN scheme under which Rs 6,000 per year will be given in three instalments to 12 crore small and marginal farmers holding cultivable land up to 2 hectares.
The scheme has been made effective from this fiscal itself and as a result, farmers will get one instalment before March-end.
The ministry did not mention the number of farmers who will get their first instalment of Rs 2,000 on Sunday.