Janjivan Bureau / New Delhi : The CBI registered as many as 316 corruption complaints last year, the government said on Wednesday. Out of the total of 2,157 corruption complaints registered by the central probe agency in last five years, a highest of 547 were filed in 2014, followed by 489 in 2015, 417 in 2016 and 388 in 2017, it said in written reply to a question in Lok Sabha.
Of these, 544 were disposed of in 2014, 488 in 2015, 404 in 2016 and 353 in 2017.
A total of 250 complaints out of 316 registered by the CBI last year were also disposed of, the reply said.
The government said the Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) had received a total of 33,645 complaints of alleged corruption in 2018 as against 26,052 in 2017, 51,207 in 2016, 32,149 in 2015 and 64,410 in 2014.
“Recognising the importance of complaints, as they constitute an important source of information leading to the exposure of misconduct and malpractices, various platforms have been developed for registration of complaints, including the corruption related complaints,” Minister of State for Personnel Jitendra Singh said in the reply.
He said such complaints can be filed, in written form, by post or online through the dedicated portals for this purpose.
In order to make the process of registration of complaints easier, the Personnel Ministry has developed a Centralized Public Grievance Redress And Monitoring System (CPGRAMS) i.e., pgportal.gov.in. for registration of all types of grievances including those relating to corruption, the minister said.
Further, the CVC has a dedicated portal on its website, i.e., portal.cvc.gov.in and a toll free telephone number 1800110180 for registration of complaints, he said.