Mrityunjay Kumar / Lucknow: Additional Chief Secretary, Home Awanish Kumar Awasthi said that the government will give employment to 15 lakh people at the local level as per the order of Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath. These are the people of Uttar Pradesh who used to work in other states, but have returned (or are returning) now due to lockdown after Corona. The government is preparing an action plan in this regard. Manoj Kumar, Principal Secretary, Panchayati Raj, has been directed to take forward the work of MNREGA and village development through village heads. In a press conference held at Lok Bhawan here on Saturday, he said that as per the instructions of the Chief Minister, the level 1, level 2 and level 3 hospitals are constantly being upgraded along with increasing their capacity.
Additional Chief Secretary, Home said that as per the instructions of the Chief Minister, the process of bringing workers from other states has started. In this process, 2224 people were brought from 16 districts of Haryana through 82 buses today. For the time being, before sending them home, all of them will have to stay in the quarantine centers. Separate teams are being formed in every district so that corona infection does not spread among medical personnel. He said that so far, Rs 268 crore have been received in the Covid fund.
ACS, Home said complying with social distancing protocol, about 10 thousand workers are engaged in construction of Purvanchal, Gorakhpur link and Bundelkhand expressway. The government has so far purchased 30 lakh quintals of wheat at the minimum support price. 60 to 70 percent of purchases have been made from farmers’ homes and Uttar Pradesh is the first state to do so. Despite the unprecedented crisis of Corona, there was no problem in harvesting the crops. The government is constantly engaged in helping the needy. So far, a total of Rs 280 crore has been distributed among 27 lakh 78 thousand workers and destitute persons, he said.
*Infection Prevention Protocol Team will be formed under the chairmanship of Additional CMO*
Principal Secretary Health Amit Mohan Prasad said that there are 1504 active cases of Corona in the state. A total of 1778 cases of infection have been reported so far from 57 districts, of which 248 have completely recovered and sent home. Today, the Chief Minister has directed that whether it is government or private hospital, complete preparations should be made to follow infection prevention protocol. For this, a team will be formed under the chairmanship of an additional CMO to ensure observation of infection prevention protocol in every district. Now we will impart onsite training in districts through this committee, he said.