Janjivan Bureau / New Delhi : The ruling BJP on Monday slammed the Congress for a Twitter post featuring the trademark RSS shorts being burnt and asked if suggestions of torching opponents is the grand old party’s idea of Bharat Jodo.
The party demanded immediate withdrawal of the post.
Minister in the BJP-ruled Uttar Pradesh government Jitin Prasada was the first to question the Congress post.
“Political differences are natural and understandable but what sort of mindset calls for burning political opponents? This politics of negativity and hate should be condemned by all,” Prasada tweeted on the Congress post which read, “To free the country from shackles of hate and undo the damage done by BJP-RSS. Step by step, we will reach our goal. #BharatJodoYatra.”
BJP spokesperson RP Singh commenting on the Congress post showing “burning RSS shorts” said, “The corrupt people should fear khaki.”
BJP national spokesperson Sambit Patra targeted the Congress saying, “It’s not ‘Bharat Jodo Yatra’ but ‘Bharat Todo’ and ‘Aag Lagao Yatra’. This is not the first time the Congress has done so. I want to ask Rahul Gandhi, do you want violence in this country? The Congress should take down this picture immediately.”